
What’s new - Ontopia 3.x

This document describes what has changed in Ontopia between releases, both at a higher level, and in more detail.

5.3.0 2013-08-01

OKS 3.4.5 release notes

This release is a bug fix release.

Warning If you get the following error message when starting one of the web applications, then you must remove the DOCTYPE declaration from the top of the actions.xml file.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Relative URI "actionConfig.dtd"; can not be resolved without a base URI.

This error occurs because of the XML parser cannot retrieve the DTD through the class loader.


The following change has been made:

  • Bug #1962: Reification support not implemented in TMXMLWriter.


The following change has been made:

  • Bug #2117: Cannot remove role field with interface control not set


The following change has been made:

  • Bug #1403: Visualization of n-ary associations not intuitive

Navigator Framework

The following change has been made:

  • The resources pointed to by the log4j_config, app_config and action_config web.xml context parameters will be attempted loaded through the class loader if not found on the file system. One can also use the file: and classpath: URI schemes directly.
  • Module files referred to from <logic:include> will be loaded through the class loader if found there. Otherwise they will be loaded through the file system as before.

Web Editor

The following change has been made:

  • <tolog:foreach> tags failed on weblogic container when nested three or more levels. This has now been fixed.


The following change has been made:

  • The SQL statement used for full-text searches on MySQL was semantically incorrect and caused an incorrect result to be returned.

OKS 3.4.4 release notes

This release is a bug fix release.


The following change has been made:

  • Bug #2111: Images in the documentation did not show up in Internet Explorer

Query Engine

The following change has been made:

  • The query processor will now write warnings as stack traces to the log4j log if the time and memory spent executing a query exceed 3 seconds or 5 MB. This is done in the DEBUG logging level.


The following changes have been made:

  • Bug #2035: The link button did not work with URLs containing ampersands.
  • Bug #2036: Instances of abstract topic types can now been seen.
  • Bug #2111: Some of the sample topic maps were missing hierarchical declarations.
  • Bug #2114: Topic maps with no name did not show up on start page.

RDBMS Backend

The following changes have been made:

  • Improved the performance of the tolog predicates direct-instance-of($X,foo) and instance-of($X,foo). This was done by using a less expensive SQL query.
  • The RDBMSPatternSingleTopicMapSource now returns empty list of references instead of a collection with a null element when no topic map was found.

OKS 3.4.3 release notes

This release is a primarily a bug fix release, but it also introduces a much requested extension to the event model in the topic map engine.


The following changes have been made:

  • The Topic Maps engine now has support for topic modification events. The TopicMapListenerIF interface now has a new method called objectModified(TMObjectIF) which will be called when a topic has been modified.
  • A base topic map listener class called AbstractTopicMapListener has been introduced. This abstract class contains default implementations of all the callback methods. The class was primarily introduced so that listener implementations extending it can continue to work even though new methods get added to the listener interface in the future.


The omnigator, manage and i18n web applications was updated to use the new tag library URIs. This means that they will no longer use the .tld files in the WEB-INF/jsp directories.


The following bugs have been fixed:

  • The create button was duplicated on each row on fields with repeated values. This was changed so that the create button now only shows up on the last row.
  • Fixed bug that caused create buttons to show up even though hideCreateButtons property was set.
  • Specified the max-width CSS property on drop-down lists to 500px to prevent very wide pages.
  • Fixed bug that caused the last association in a many-cardinality field to be replaced when selecting a topic through the search or browse popup windows. The correct behaviour is to instead add a new association.
  • Bug #2080: Illegal occurrence fields cannot be deleted.


The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Improved presentation performance by changing one of the tolog queries used by the implementation. The user-interface should now be much more responsive.
  • Fixed bug that caused association types to not be shown on subtypes of the type that declared the association field.


The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2076: Graphs do not draw correctly when double click operation is done on nodes.
  • Bug #2106: Runtime Exception message on Java console in Vizlet

OKS 3.4.2 release notes

This release is a bug fix release.

Admin console

The following bugs have been fixed:


The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2045: Create type and instance buttons on topic type config are hidden if the topic type is locked

Topic Maps Engine

The following constructors of XTMTopicMapWriter have been changed so that they are now declared to throw IOException: XTMTopicMapWriter(File file, String encoding) and XTMTopicMapWriter(Writer writer, String encoding). Note that this may cause compilation errors.

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2098: Writers close streams passed in from outside

Query Engine

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2102: Incorrect type inferencing in comparison predicates

RDBMS backend

The experimental RDBMSPatternSingleTopicMapSource class was added in the net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms package. This source can be used to swap topic maps used by an implementation at runtime.

The --title and --comment options for setting the title and comments of a topic map were added to the RDBMSImport command-line utility.

OKS 3.4.1 release notes

This is a bug fix release. If you are using Ontopoly then it is important that you do an upgrade as this release fixes a serious problem with character encoding of form data in Ontopoly. This release includes a few more bug fixes as well.


The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2096: Ontopoly obfuscates Unicode characters.
  • Bug #2094: Export plugin closes JSP output stream closed too early.


The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2094: Export plugin closes JSP output stream closed too early.


The following bugs and improvements have been made:

  • Bug #2095: MergeUtils does not replace name types.
  • MergeUtils did not always compare name objects correctly. This could lead to duplicate names in some situations.
  • Added TopicMapSourceIF.supportsDelete() method, which must be true for it to be valid to call TopicMapReferenceIF.delete(). This replaces the old deleteFiles property on topic maps sources.
  • Added TopicMapRepositoryIF.createStore(String, boolean) as a convenience method.
  • TopicMapSynchronizer class no longer produces duplicate characteristics on synchronized topics.

OKS 3.4 release notes

The main change in this version of the OKS is various upgrades to Ontopoly, especially the improved locking support, and the new approach to sharing topic maps between web applications.

There is also a new OKS distribution, called Ontopoly Runtime, which is essentially OKS Samplers with the RDBMS backend and support for authentication. This means that the new distribution can be used by customers which want to use Ontopoly to create topic maps without developing new custom applications. The price also reflects this. See the OKS price list for more information.


The following improvements have been made:

  • Some changes have been made to the Ontopoly schema. The new schema version is 1.2, so Ontopoly will ask you to upgrade your existing topic maps.
  • Users can now manually unlock topics locked by other users, and they can see who has locked the topic and when, making it easier to decide if they can safely unlock the topic.
  • Ontopoly will now automatically unlock the currently edited topic in many more cases than it did previously. It is no longer necessary to submit the form to unlock a topic; just following normal links will also unlock the current topic.
  • Ontopoly now displays a formatting hint for date values, to make it easier for users to remember what the date format is.
  • The instance editing page now has a “Copy” button for creating an identical copy of the current topic. This can be convenient when creating many similar topics.
  • It is now possible to specify whether the search dialog used for finding topics to create new associations should open in search mode or browse mode.
  • The default locale used by the web application is now en instead of relying on the fallback locale given by the web browser.


The following improvements have been made:

  • A new topic map index plug-in has been added, so that there is now always a link back to the topic map index page from all other pages.
  • The Plug-ins plug-in now displays the plug-ins menu (yes, it is true).


The recognition of compound terms (terms consisting of more than one word, like “Topic Maps”) has been improved, as has the scoring of these terms.

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2082: Norwegian stop words with special characters not recognized

Navigator Framework

The Navigator Framework has been changed to use a new and much simpler API for sharing topic maps between applications. Please see the Navigator Framework Configuration Guide for details. The API has also been simplified, and a number of classes made INTERNAL.

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • The JAAS topic maps module was missing some prefix declarations in one of its tolog queries, causing it to throw an exception in some situations as the query was sensitive to the base address of the topic map used.
  • The JNDI lookup of shared topic maps on OC4J was broken.

Web Editor Framework

The readonly attribute has been introduced on many tags to allow applications to control whether or not forms and form controls should be read only.

Topic Maps Engine

The following improvements have been made:

  • A new class called TopicMaps has been added to the net.ontopia.topicmaps.entry package. This class can be used to access topic maps via tm-sources.xml files in a simple and straightforward way. Please see the javadoc and the Navigator Framework Configuration Guide for details.
  • The XTMFragmentExporter class is now PUBLIC.
  • The XMLConfigSource class (and effectively tm-sources-xml) now uses <repository> as the document element as this is more consistent with the naming of the topic maps repository. See the included tm-sources.xml for an example. The old syntax is still supported.

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #2031: Exporting and reimporting via XTM breaks reification


The performance of the Vizlet has been improved substantially by changing how the Vizlet loads Topic Maps fragments from the server. The result is less network traffic and a more responsive Vizlet.

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • There was a bug in the test suite that failed on the first attempt, but worked on subsequent invocations. This was caused by a directory not having been created initially.
  • Bug #2081: Go to topic does not work on topics with special characters in name
  • Bug #2073: Node cannot be expanded after collapse

Query Engine

The source-locator predicate has been renamed to item-identifier. The old predicate will continue to work, but it is no longer documented.

RDBMS Backend

The following improvements have been made:

  • The database properties file will now be attempted loaded from the class loader if not found on the file system. Loading files through the class loader is much more portable and is recommended for most appliations. In practice this means that the database properties file can be copied to one of the directories on the CLASSPATH, and that the reference to it can be just the name of the file.
  • The connection URLs in the database properties files db.sqlserver.props and db.mysql.props have been updated to reflect the latest JDBC driver releases.
  • Most of the more rare and mostly unused properties have been removed from the default database properties files. Note that the properties can still be used; they are just not included in the files, so that the default values is used instead.
  • The RDBMS Backend Installation Guide now mentions that the Row Versioning and Snapshot Isloation features must be enabled on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. These two features are essential for good performance in multi-user applications.
  • The columns TM_OCCURRENCE.content, TM_BASE_NAME.content, TM_VARIANT_NAME.content and TM_TOPIC_MAP.comments have been extended from 2000 to 4000 characters on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as this is the maximum length supported on nvarchar columns.


The following improvements have been made:

  • DB2TM now looks up relations qualified by schema name before using the default schema in JDBC datasources. This change adds support for explicit database schemas.

OKS 3.3 release notes

The main new addition in this release is the autoclassification module, which is still experimental. For more about this, see Automatic classification. There are also some new features in the Vizigator and a new string module in tolog, but beyond that the changes are mostly bug fixes.


The following changes have been made to the Engine:

  • commons-dbcp.jar has been upgraded to version 1.2.2.
  • All methods relating to nested transactions have been deprecated as none of the current Topic Maps implementations actually support nested transactions.
  • Bug #2034: jena.jar includes log4j.properties

Query Engine

The following changes have been made to the Query Engine:

  • tolog has been extended with a module containing predicates for string operations. This provides operations for working with substrings, concatenating strings, etc. See the tolog predicate reference for more information.

Navigator Framework

The following changes have been made to the Navigator Framework:

  • Upgraded Apache Tomcat to version 5.5.23.
  • Web applications will now use default shared-in-JVM topic map repository if neither ‘jndi_repository’ nor ‘source_config_file’ parameters are specified in web.xml. This was done to lower the chances of running with multiple repositories by mistake. It also makes configuration easier as no configuration is required by default. We recommend that you remove the parameters from all your existing web applications.
  • Improved error message thrown when accessing variables outside of tolog:context.
  • Bug #2058: sequence-last not always correctly set in tolog:foreach
  • Bug #2037: AXIS reports error in tomcat.log on startup
  • Upgraded bundled Axis2 version to 1.2.

RDBMS Backend

  • Improved detection of deleted object when iterating over collections. This means that IdentityNotFoundException is no longer thrown that often while iterating over collections of topic map objects.


The following changes have been made to the Omnigator:

  • XTM validation is now enabled by default.
  • No longer supports refresh topic map registry as this is no longer supported in the framework. Use refresh sources instead.
  • Added back the plugins plug-in that seems to have been lost in an older release.
  • Bug #2039: Names types incorrectly displayed


The following changes have been made:

  • Support for automatic classification has been added, as a plug-in on the instance editing page. See the Ontopoly User’s Guide for more information, as well as Automatic classification.
  • The display of the add, create, and search buttons on the instance page has been made more consistent and intuitive. The functionality is the same as before.
  • Bug #1854: Some topics become both types and instances on import


The following new features have been added to the Vizigator:

  • The filter controls previously only found in VizDesktop can now also be accessed in Vizlet.
  • A new applet parameter wallpaper_image has been added, which makes it possible to display a background image in the Vizlet.
  • Both VizDesktop and Vizlet now support undo and redo.
  • Bug #2060: Opening non-existent file causes NPE
  • Bug #2061: Association type filter doesn’t show state


  • Added servlet net.ontopia.topicmaps.db2tm.SynchronizationServlet that can be used to schedule regular DB2TM synchronizations. See the javadoc for more information.

Automatic classification

This module has been added, but in an experimental state. It is only accessible through a plug-in to Ontopoly, and is described in the Ontopoly User’s Guide. There is no publicly available API at the moment, but an API exists, and will be made available once we have received more feedback regarding customer requirements. Supported languages are English and Norwegian, but support for more languages can be added.

OKS 3.2.4 release notes

This release is a bug fix release.


  • Added net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.ltm.LTMTemplateImporter class that makes it possible to import LTM fragments outside of the Web Editor Framework.
  • Bug #2028: Fixed NullPointerException issue in XTM exporter
  • Bug #2034: Removed log4j.properties file from jena.jar

Query Engine

  • Tolog query parser will now throw net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.BadObjectReferenceException instead of net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.InvalidQueryException when object references in the query cannot be resolved.
  • Bug #2029: Recursive rule gave wrong result


  • Non-primary topic entities in relations now get all their matching characteristic values cleared when the row is removed. In practice this means that changelog synchronization is not possible with non-primary topic entities that are stored in multiple rows.

OKS 3.2.3 release notes

This release is a bug fix release. If you are using the Web Editor Framework or DB2TM then an upgrade is recommended.


  • Two new methods have been added to the TopicMapStoreIF interface. The first one is getProperty(String) which returns the value of the given property. This method can be used to get hold of topic map store property values in an implementation independent manner. The second method is getImplementation() that returns a constant that identifies the topic map implementation. This is useful to easily figure out if the topic map is stored in-memory or in an rdbms.
  • The third party jar-files antlr.jar and commons-collections.jar have been upgraded to versions 2.7.7 and 3.2 respectively.
  • Bug #2009: XTMFragmentExporter did not respect filter settings.

Query Engine

  • Bug #2019: NullPointerException thrown from rule inliner


  • log4j logging pattern in tomcat.log is now the same as in ontopia.log. This means that timestamps are now included in both log files.

Web Editor

  • Bug #2013: lack of synchronization in user object
  • Bug #2021: Uniqueness of action ids not guaranteed


  • Bug #1788: Full-text search not available on RDBMS topic maps


  • Bug #2002: Error message given if topic map was not reified


  • Improved detection of discrepancies between changelog table and data in actual table.
  • Fixed bug that caused some columns to be null when read through changelog table.
  • Rescan will now replace the topic type(s) instead of just adding a new one(s).
  • Added –force-rescan command line option to db2tm.Execute.

OKS 3.2.2 release notes

This release is a small bug fix release.


  • Most of the no-argument builder methods in TopicMapBuilderIF have been deprecated because they were no longer useful.
  • Bug #2009: XTMFragmentExporter did not respect filter settings.

Web Editor

  • Bug #1997: Bad error message when topic had no type.


  • Rescan now updates the synchronization state if a changelog is declared.
  • Fixed problem with NullPointerException when attempting to run duplicate suppression on deleted topics.
  • Bug #2007: Changelog query triggered exception in older Oracle versions.

OKS 3.2.1 release notes

This release is primarily a bug fix and improvements release, but some new functionality have been added. It contains a couple of important bug fixes, so an upgrade is recommended. Java 1.6 support has been verified.The main new features are the new management web application and native full-text support for PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

Query Engine

  • The dynamic association predicate has been optimized. Tests have indicated a 15% performance increase.
  • Tolog now supports locale specific sorting. This feature is disabled by default, but it can be enabled by specifying the property net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.QueryProcessorIF.locale. The properties file will be used by default, but it can also be specified as a system property. The value consists of three parts, e.g. no_NO_NO, where the language, country and variant codes are separated by the underscore character. The ordering is implemented in terms of a java.text.Collator.
  • Bug #1991: Nested tolog:foreach with groupBy attribute triggered exception.
  • Bug #1992: occurrence predicate had side-effects when used in OR branch.
  • Bug #2001: NullPointerException thrown in dynamic association predicate method.
  • Bug #2003: topicmap predicate failed with RDBMS tolog.

RDBMS Backend

  • Bug #2004: Potential deadlock in finalizer method.


  • DuplicateSuppressionUtils now does prefetching of characteristics when applicable. This change leads to a huge performance improvement, especially with large topic maps.
  • Reduced memory footprint when doing duplicate suppression.
  • Prefetching is no longer performed when the shared cache is disabled.
  • getTopicMap(ServletRequest request) method has been added to the ContextUtils class. This makes it easy to get hold of the current topic map object from the parent tolog:context tag.
  • Bug #1996: Subject indicators sometimes lost during XTM import.


  • Improved reuse of topic maps objects when tuples change. This leads to huge performance improvements when synchronizing.
  • Defaulting of the primary attribute did not work as intented.
  • A new FAQ section has been added to the User’s Guide document.
  • Bug #1989: DB2TM crashed if row didn’t have enough column values
  • Bug #2000: Reuse of occurrence objects failed when changing from external to internal occurrences (and vice versa).


  • The manage plugin in the Omnigator has been refactored into a new web application. All management of resources is now done through this application. This new web application introduces a couple of new features including JDBC profiling, topic map statistics and shared cache statistics.
  • Bug #1994: Omnigator did not display typed names correctly.


  • Native full-text support has been added for PostgreSQL using tsearch2. The support can be enabled by setting the net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.impl.rdbms.RDBMSSearcher.type property to postgresql.
  • Native full-text support has been added for Microsoft SQL Server. The support can be enabled by setting the net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.impl.rdbms.RDBMSSearcher.type property to sqlserver.


  • Neighbouring circle feature has been added. This is a visual effect to draw the attention to a node and its immediate neighbours.
  • Bug #1769: Increment/decrement of locality changed visible links.
  • Bug #1771: Vizlet graph placement dependent on browser window size.
  • Bug #1984: Association node could not be collapsed.


  • Bug #1999: Could not change the height and width of occurrence type fields..

OKS 3.2 release notes

The main change in OKS 3.2 is that Ontopoly has been significantly extended with new functionality, described below, and that the DB2TM module now supports updating the topic map with changes from the source database. In addition, there is a long list of minor improvements and bug fixes to various parts of the product suite.


The modifications to Ontopoly are quite extensive, and have required changes to the Ontopoly meta-ontology. This means that all old topic maps have to be upgraded in order to make them editable in the new Ontopoly version. Ontopoly can handle this by itself, however. The main improvements are:

  • Extension of the search popup dialog to also support browsing lists of all instances of a particular topic type for topics to create associations to. The dialog also allows the user to create multiple associations in a single operation.
  • Support for hierarchical associations, and using these to create hierarchies for topics of a particular type. This means that Ontopoly now supports taxonomies, but also hierarchies of other types can also be created. The hierarchies can be seen both on the page listing all instances of a particular type, as well as in the search popup dialog.
  • Ontopoly can now also treat ontology topics (that is, topic types, association types, etc) as though they were normal topics. This means that new fields can be added for these topics, and they can be edited in the instance editor. This makes it possible to use Ontopoly for ontology annotation.
  • A number of performance optimizations have been made, to ensure that Ontopoly scales to large data sets. Users have also been given more control over this, via the “Large instance set” property on topic types, which turns off the ability to list all instances of these types.
  • The Ontopoly instance editor is now localizable (meaning that it can be translated to any language).
  • Ontopoly can now export topic maps to the TM/XML syntax.
  • Ontopoly now uses Navigator Framework plug-ins for many of the user interface elements, which means that
  • Ontopoly now has two new privileges: instance-reader and ontology-reader, which allows read-only users to be created.

The following bugs have been fixed in Ontopoly:

  • Bug #1971: Couldn’t leave export page after doing export
  • Bug #1939: Search doesn’t work on topicType.ted
  • Bug #1849: Search for empty string finds all topics
  • Bug #1740: Search returns duplicates
  • Bug #1906: Search crashes if string contains *
  • Bug #1904: Search dialog box too small on MSIE
  • Bug #1884: Description page shows no warning when locked
  • Bug #1843: System topics can be found by search and edited


The Vizigator has been extended slightly with two new pieces of functionality, described below. Note that it was also substantially extended in the OKS 3.1.1 release; you may want to check Vizigator as well.

  • There is now support for stopping graphs which vibrate endlessly.
  • There is now support for making all nodes sticky (or unsticky) in a single operation.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Vizigator:

  • Bug #1930: Search only finds hits in visible names


The “No name topics” choice on the topic map page now always appears, and without a count of nameless topics. This is a small step backwards in terms of functionality, but this query is very expensive, and has made it difficult to use the Omnigator with large topic maps. This problem is now gone.

The following bugs have been fixed in Omnigator:

  • Bug #1894: Stylesheet indentation problem
  • Bug #1853: Tomcat does not work with JRE on Windows

Query Engine

The tolog query engine now has support for plugging in external full-text search predicates that behave much like the current built-in “value-like” predicate. To create a new full-text search predicate, one only needs to implement two Java interfaces. The new predicate will then be available in a module which can be imported into queries that need it.

The query engine now also supports getting a trace from a specific query as a string, instead of logging it to log4j. This support is available at the API level, and also in the Omnigator query plug-in. This makes it much easier to debug slow tolog queries.

The following bugs have been fixed in the query engine:

  • Bug #1893: Incorrect sort order with typed names


The main extension to DB2TM is the support for synchronizing the topic map with new information from the database. This makes it easy to keep the topic map up to date as the source database changes. See the documentation for more details on how this works.

The DB2TM module has been extended with support for mapping values in the database to new values using either a mapping table or a Java method. These mappings can now be declared in the XML mapping file.

Web Editor Framework

The webed:link and webed:form tags now have a new attribute, target, which tells the framework in which window/frame to open the next page.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Web Editor Framework:

  • Bug #1500: param must be set on webed:list for multiple select lists
  • Bug #1776: Evaluate LTM action crashes if no topic map parameter given
  • Bug #1760: No output when webed:field is empty
  • Bug #1756: Crash when params attribute contains whitespace at beginning or end
  • Bug #1869: actions attached to webed:list with unspecified=none run even if no changes made
  • Bug #1857: package names for actions missing in documentation
  • Bug #1848: poor error message on missing actions.xml file

Navigator Framework

The TMLoginModule now exposes user-groups/roles names and privilege names as role principals. This means that applications can make use of the HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String rolename) method to check privileges and user-group memberships.

Topic Maps Engine

The TMSync implementation has been extended so that it now supports using filter on the source topic map as well, to filter the characteristics to be included in the synchronization.

The DeletionUtils class now has a new method for deleting a collection of topics in a single operation. This is much faster than deleting the topics individually.

The TM/XML exporter now accepts a filter that lets you control which parts of the topic map should be exported.

The TopicMapSourceIF interface now has a new method createTopicMap, which allows new topic maps to be created within the source. Some of the source implementations support this method, and there is a getSupportsCreate method which can be used to query for such support.

The XTM path source now has a boolean property to control whether topic references to external documents should cause those documents to be merged in. This is implemented using a new class net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.NoFollowTopicRefExternalReferenceHandler which tells the XTM importer to not follow external topic references, but to still load any topic maps referenced by the mergeMap element.

The Merger command-line utility now has an option to enable name-based merging (which used to be enabled, because of a bug), and an option to do duplicate suppression on the resulting topic map.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Topic Maps Engine:

  • Bug #1933: TM/XML namespace prefixes not consistent
  • Bug #1864: Collection concurrency exceptions not documented
  • Bug #1827: LTM exporter creates numeric IDs
  • Bug #1850: LTM importer can crash on subject identifier/source locator collision
  • Bug #1868: XTM reader crashes on empty topic references

RDBMS Backend

A new property net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms.Cache.shared.identitymap.lru has now been added, which can be used to control the size of the identity map LRU for the shared cache independently from the LRUs of the individual transactions.

Another new property is net.ontopia.infoset.fulltext.impl.rdbms.RDBMSSearcher.type which is used to control how full-text searching in the RDBMS backend is done.

A new option has been added to the RDBMSImport command-line tool, to control whether external references are followed or not.

The RDBMS backend now always sets the transaction isolation level, which it only did before when using a connection pool.

OKS 3.1.2 release notes

This release primarily consists of some new functionality and a couple of bug-fixes for Vizigator.


The following functionality has been added to Vizigator:

  • It is now possible to hide the search bar by setting the search.bar menufile property to off.

For more information, please consult the Vizigator User’s Guide.

The following bugs have been fixed in Vizigator:

Web Editor Framework

A problem regarding passing java.util.Map instances as parameters to web editor actions was resolved.

OKS 3.1.1 release notes

This release primarily consists of some new functionality for Vizigator, and support for Microsoft SQL Server. There is also improved support for TM/XML in Omnigator.

Topic Maps Engine

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #1795: TMAPI implementation bug
  • The server-config.wsdd file in the TMRAP web application contained an absolute file reference. This has now been replaced by a relative file reference.
  • One of the examples in the TMRAP Developer’s Guide used an incorrect request parameter.


The following functionality has been added to Vizigator:

  • A new (optional) locality algorithm has been added.
  • The popup menu items in VizLet have been made configurable.
  • The locality settings (initial setting, and maximum value) in VizLet have been made configurable.
  • On topic nodes there is now a new “Copy name” menu item.

For more information, please consult the Vizigator User’s Guide.

The following bugs have been fixed in Vizigator:

RDBMS backend

The RDBMS backend has seen substantial internal reworkings that cause it to need fewer database connections per transaction, and which reduce lock contention in the database quite significantly. As a result of these changes the RDBMS backend now supports Microsoft SQL Server. A sample database properties file and database scripts can be found in ${OKS_HOME}/rdbms.


It’s now possible to drop TM/XML files with the extension .tmx into the topicmaps directory and have Omnigator detect them. It is also possible to topic maps to TM/XML in Omnigator using the export plug-in.

OKS 3.1.0 release notes

This release adds significant new functionality, primarily the DB2TM module and the new TMRAP version. However, the Vizigator has also been significantly improved, support for the TM/XML format has been added throughout the OKS, and an event API has been added to the engine. The improvements are described in more detail below.

Documentation of the two new modules (DB2TM and TMRAP) can be found as part of the OKS documentation.


The Vizigator has been extended with support for a default topic and association type configuration, as well as for controlling the rendering of topics which have more than one type.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Vizigator:

Topic Maps Engine

The main improvements to the Topic Maps engine are the addition of support for the TM/XML Topic Maps syntax and the event API. The event API is documented in the javadoc for the package net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.events.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Topic Maps engine:

  • Bug #1797: RDF exporter crashes on null occurrences

The RDBMS backend

A number of performance improvements have been made to the RDBMS backend. The RDBMS backend now distinguishes between read-only and read-write transactions, where the former can be shared by several users (because no changes can be made), thus reducing the memory consumption. In addition, the use of synchronization has now been streamlined to allow better throughput with many concurrent transactions. The garbage collector now has an easier job because the soft references in the shared cache are more fine-grained, making it possible to collect smaller amounts of data on each iteration.

The default tolog implementation when using the RDBMS backend is now the in-memory implementation, and not the RDBMS implementation. Note that this change might affect the performance of existing installations. Existing installations may want to override the tolog implementation in the database properties file.

The following bugs have been fixed in the RDBMS backend:

  • Bug #1818: Query cache corruption when shared cache disabled
  • Bug #1792: Shared cache corruption
  • Bug #1764: Clearing cache causes error
  • Bug #1777: XTM export causes OutOfMemoryException

Navigator Framework

Two new methods have been added to the NavigatorUtils class: getTopicMapRepository(PageContext pageContext) and getTopicMapRepository(ServletContext servletContext).

The code which finds the label to display for a topic has been replaced with a new implementation, which is much simpler, and much faster, thus resulting in improved performance.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Navigator Framework:

  • Bug #1809: Nested template tags do not work

Web Editor Framework

The TologDelete action now accepts objects of any types as parameters, and not just topics.

The following bugs have been fixed in the Web Editor Framework:

  • Bug #1821: The webed:actionid tag does not work correctly in read-only mode


The following bugs in Ontopoly have been fixed:

  • Bug #1842: Ontopoly crashes if more than one missing topic map
  • Bug #1806: Ontopoly importer doesn’t handle symmetric associations
  • Bug #1808: Ontopoly importer doesn’t handle reified topic maps
  • Bug #1785: Download choice on export has no effect
  • Bug #1787: Read-only topic types produce validation errors
  • Bug #1784: International characters lost on export
  • Bug #1772: Topic Maps sources without ID and title don’t show up in Ontopoly

OKS 3.0.2 release notes

This release is a bug fixing release for the Vizigator. The last few versions of Vizigator have been somewhat buggy and unstable, and the behaviour of the Vizigator has not really been entirely consistent. This release fixes the known bugs, and makes the Vizigator behaviour much more consistent.

The following bugs have been fixed:

OKS 3.0.1 release notes

This a bug-fix release that includes fixes to three bugs.


If you are using the RDBMS Backend you should upgrade to this new version as there is a critical bug in the jdbcspy driver shipped with earlier OKS releases. This bug only occurs when using the jdbcspy driver, but to be on the safe side an upgrade is recommended. If you cannot upgrade then you must not use jdbcspy (disabled by default).

Topic Map Engine

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #1438: The in-memory class-instance index had a bug that gave an incorrect result with null types.

RDBMS backend

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Bug #1757: The database scripts included a reference to a non-existent reference_id column.
  • Bug #1761: The jdbcspy driver contained a bug that caused transactions not to be rolled back in some situations.

OKS 3.0 release notes

This release is a major release that has seen changes to most parts of the OKS, as well as the inclusion of a major new component, the Ontopoly Topic Maps editor. Also, the distribution now includes Tomcat 5.5, instead of Tomcat 5.0.


If you are using the RDBMS Backend you will have to make a few changes to the database schema before proceeding. A description of how to do the upgrade can be found in the section called RDBMS backend in this document.

Web Editor Framework

A new policy for error handling in the Web Editor Framework has been added, with support for distinguishing between critical and non-critical errors. The only change is really that it is now possible to report non-critical errors to the user.

The form tag library has been extended with better support for accessing JSP attributes, which greatly simplifies using the form tag library together with other tag libraries.

The pattern attribute has been added to the webed:field tag, providing support for validating user input against a regular expression.

The Velocity macros used by the Web Editor Framework tags have been moved into the OKS .jar file. It is still possible to use custom Velocity macros, but by default the macros used will be those in the .jar file. This greatly simplifies upgrades to new OKS versions. Existing applications will continue to use the Velocity macros in the file system, which they have been configured to use. We recommend that applications switch to using the .vm files in the .jar file.

The TLD files are now also stored in the OKS .jar file, and the tag libraries have been given identifying URIs that can be used to load these. We recommend that applications start using these URIs and remove local copies of the TLD files.

The following new actions have been added to the Framework:

  • tmobject.OSLValidate is an action which can take any number of topics, association, and topic maps and validate them against the OSL schema registered for the current topic map.
  • topic.SetSubjectLocator is an action for setting the subject locator of a topic.
  • In addition, there are the occurrence.SetValue2, occurrence.SetLocator2, and topic.SetSubjectIndicator2 actions, all of which are slight modifications of existing actions that behave differently when given an empty string (they delete the value being operated on).

The following bugs have been fixed in the Web Editor Framework:

  • Bug #1719: webed:actionid does not record current value correctly.
  • Bug #1701: Velocity context clashes between web applications.

Navigator Framework

The tolog tag library has been extended with better support for accessing JSP attributes, which greatly simplifies using the tolog tag library together with other tag libraries. In addition, the tolog:set tag now supports setting JSP attributes in any scope (in addition to setting OKS variables), through the new scope attribute.

The tolog:out tag now has an attribute named escape, which can be used to control whether or not the output string is to be HTML-escaped.

The TLD files are now stored in the OKS .jar file, and the tag libraries have been given identifying URIs that can be used to load these. We recommend that applications start using these URIs and remove local copies of the TLD files.

The tm-sources.xml can now be loaded from the classpath, and in the distribution this is where it is now loaded from.


The Vizigator has been extended with support for filtering associations by scope. It also now has support for localization, and has been localized to Japanese and German.

  • Bug #1690: Opening non-existent file causes crash.

Topic Map Engine

The engine now supports typed names, in accordance with the TMDM.

The engine now supports automatically keeping the full-text index for a topic map up to date as changes are made to a topic map. This is primarily of interest with in-memory topic maps.

The topic map repository framework has now been extended so that topic map sources can create new topic maps. New methods have been added to the TopicMapSourceIF interface to support this. The XMLConfigSource class has also been extended with new methods to allow the configuration to be loaded from the classpath.

The following new additions have been made to the API:

  • The setFollowTopicRefs method has been added to the XTMTopicMapReader, making it easier to prevent the XTM reader loading other XTM documents referred to by topicRef elements.
  • The XTMTopicMapWriter can now be given a DeciderIF which will be used to filter the topic map during export.

The following bugs have been fixed in the engine:

RDBMS backend

Upgrading the database schema

There has been a few minor changes to the database schema in this release. In order to upgrade your database instance you will have to execute the SQL statements listed below in your database.

If you do not have an existing database instance you should not perform the upgrade shown below, but instead follow the standard database installation procedure described in The RDBMS Backend Connector - Installation Guide.


Use the psql command line tool to execute the statements below, or any other database access tool of your choice.

  alter table TM_BASE_NAME add column type_id integer null;
  alter table TM_TOPIC_MAP add column base_address varchar(512) null;
  alter table TM_TOPIC_MAP add column title varchar(128) null;
  create index TM_BASE_NAME_IX_myi on TM_BASE_NAME(topicmap_id,type_id,id);

If foreign keys are enabled the following command should also be issued:

  alter table TM_BASE_NAME add constraint FK_TM_BASE_NAME_3 foreign key (type_id) references TM_TOPIC (id);

Use the sqlplus command line tool to execute the statements below, or any other database access tool of your choice.

   alter table TM_BASE_NAME add type_id integer null;
   alter table TM_TOPIC_MAP add base_address varchar2(512) null;
   alter table TM_TOPIC_MAP add title varchar2(128) null;
   create index TM_BASE_NAME_IX_myi on TM_BASE_NAME(topicmap_id,type_id,id);

If foreign keys are enabled the following command should also be issued:

   alter table TM_BASE_NAME add constraint FK_TM_BASE_NAME_3 foreign key (type_id) references TM_TOPIC (id);
Other changes in this release

The RDBMS backend schema has changed to support typed names.

The RDBMS backend schema has changed to store the base address of the topic map in the database. This solves the long-standing problem with porting ID-based topic maps applications from the in-memory store to the RDBMS backend, since the base address is now set on import (using the RDBMSImport command-line tool) ID-based references will continue to work.

The RDBMSImport command-line tool can now produce a SQL profiling report to show where the time is spent during an import.

The RDBMSImport command-line tool will now automatically disable the shared cache, so that topic map documents of any size can be imported.

The RDBMSTopicMapStore now has a new method that can dump the identity map, for debugging and performance monitoring purposes.

The net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms.StorePool.SoftMaximum database property was being incorrectly set, effectively making impossible to set an upper boundary on the store pool size. This is now fixed.

Older release notes